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Cartoon Hub Số liệu thống kê kênh YouTube

Dữ liệu được cập nhật vào Mar 12, 2025

Tham gia

Apr 06, 2008

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This channel contains different types of videos.Most are drawing lessons for high school students that is age 15 and above and older adults and beginner artists of all ages. It is called "General audience content" it could appeal to everyone, but isn’t intended specifically for children, It is intended for a teen or older audience. There are some videos for architecture and design students too. Also there are other videos on different topics. **There are some videos which may interest kids below 13 too. These are marked as "Made for kids" as required by COPPA though people of any age may be interested in watching them. I believe that if you can write then you can *draw* too. I have made some very easy to draw lessons anyone can make cartoons and drawings by following the simple instructions. So get ready to draw some great cartoons. Please tell me if you want any other video, I will make one for you :) Hope you have lots of fun drawing

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