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Village People Philippines Số liệu thống kê kênh YouTube

Dữ liệu được cập nhật vào Mar 13, 2025

Tham gia

Apr 24, 2018

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Mô tả kênh

Village People Philippines, is an English speaking channel aimed at people who want to visit or retire the Philippines. It is also directed at Overseas Foreign Workers who want to be kept informed about what is happening in the Philippines. We provide information videos about business permits, local laws and business ideas for foreigners wishing to retire in the Philippines. We also feature vehicle, such as cars and motorcycles, pricing here in the Philippines as well as general cost of living videos to show the real costs of living in the Philippines. We want to give those wanting to visit or retire to the Philippines the tools they need to get the most from their visit or stay. Another feature of our channel is to show the tourist spots and the natural beauty of the Philippines as well as stories, traditions, and customs of the local people.

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Thu nhập ước tính
2025-03-13180K43,285,830+3,761$6.53 - $19.58
2025-03-12180K43,282,069+37,350$64.8 - $194.41
2025-03-11180K43,244,719$0 - $0
2025-03-10180K43,244,719$0 - $0
2025-03-09180K43,244,719$0 - $0
2025-03-08180K43,244,719$0 - $0
2025-03-07180K43,244,719$0 - $0
2025-03-06180K43,244,719$0 - $0
2025-03-05180K43,244,719$0 - $0
2025-03-04180K43,244,719+9,317$16.16 - $48.49
2025-03-03180K43,235,402+4,450$7.72 - $23.16
2025-03-02180K43,230,952+4,225$7.33 - $21.99
2025-03-01180K43,226,727$0 - $0
2025-02-28180K43,226,727+5,358$9.3 - $27.89
2025-02-27180K43,221,369+9,789$16.98 - $50.95
2025-02-26180K43,211,580+5,022$8.71 - $26.14
2025-02-25180K43,206,558+4,945$8.58 - $25.74
2025-02-24180K43,201,613+4,802$8.33 - $24.99
2025-02-23180K43,196,811+4,834$8.39 - $25.16
2025-02-22180K43,191,977$0 - $0
2025-02-21180K43,191,977+4,517$7.84 - $23.51
2025-02-20180K43,187,460+4,583$7.95 - $23.85
2025-02-19180K43,182,877+4,954$8.6 - $25.79
2025-02-18180K43,177,923+4,812$8.35 - $25.05
2025-02-17180K43,173,111+9,211$15.98 - $47.94
2025-02-16180K43,163,900$0 - $0
2025-02-15180K43,163,900+3,683$6.39 - $19.17
2025-02-14180K43,160,217+4,463$7.74 - $23.23
2025-02-13180K43,155,754+4,428$7.68 - $23.05
2025-02-12180K43,151,326+4,968$8.62 - $25.86

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