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Primitive Technology Số liệu thống kê kênh YouTube

Dữ liệu được cập nhật vào Mar 13, 2025

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May 01, 2015

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Primitive technology is a hobby where you build things in the wild completely from scratch using no modern tools or materials. These are the strict rules: If you want a fire, use a fire stick - An axe, pick up a stone and shape it - A hut, build one from trees, mud, rocks etc. The challenge is seeing how far you can go without utilizing modern technology. I do not live in the wild, but enjoy building shelter, tools, and more, only utilizing natural materials. To find specific videos, visit my playlist tab for building videos focused on pyrotechnology, shelter, weapons, food & agriculture, tools & machines, and weaving & fiber. FAQ Q.Where is this? A.This is in Far North Queensland Australia. Q.Do you live in the wild? A.I don't live in the wild but just go into the bush to make these projects. Also I camp out here occasionally. Q.How did you learn all this? A.Researching books and internet plus trial and error. I'm not indigenous and have no army training. Check out my blog below.

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