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Dipper Dan Số liệu thống kê kênh YouTube

Dữ liệu được cập nhật vào Mar 13, 2025

Tham gia

Mar 20, 2015

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Mô tả kênh

Hi and welcome to my channel! My name is Dipper Dan. This channel is all about hydro dipping, also known as water transfer printing or aqua printing. Step by step unique objects and decorative accessories are created right in front of your eyes. Hydro dipping technique is fast and easy. All you need is spray paint and a water tank. I still remember my big brother giving me my first spray can, and I am very grateful that today I'm able to share my creations with the world. I hope I'll inspire you to discover and try new things, as my brother did back then. Let's turn new and imaginative ideas into reality. Let's make the world more creative – get out there and make something!  Make sure you're SUBSCRIBED with ALL NOTIFICATIONS so you don't miss my videos and livestreams! FOR SPONSORSHIPS ONLY: dipperdan@dosa-medien-gmbh.de Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dipper_dan_yt

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