Lydia Sweatt is a writer, bookworm, and bass guitar enthusiast. When she goes outside, a bicycle goes with her.
YouTube Is Expanding Monetization for These 3 Video Types

Receiving full monetization for a YouTube video just got easier. After receiving feedback from creators and advertisers, YouTube has decided to expand monetization for three video types: educational, controversial, and content containing adult themes.
These changes are an update to YouTube’s advertiser-friendly guidelines. Traditionally, the rules help creators avoid revenue loss. YouTube knows the guidelines can be restrictive, though, and wants to help creators make good, advertisable videos.
Read More: How to Get Full Monetization for Your Gaming Videos
YouTube has four monetization categories; they range from no ads to full ads that support complete monetization. In the YouTube studio, each one is represented by a color:
- Gray: You turned off advertising by choice.
- Red: Your video can’t be monetized because there’s a copyright claim.
- Yellow: Advertising is turned on, but limited ads will be shown.
- Green: Your video meets YouTube’s advertiser guidelines; it’s eligible for most ads.
These labels appear beside your videos. It can be frustrating to see lots of red and yellow, but don’t worry. YouTube’s update will help your videos go from yellow/red to bright green. Keep reading to learn more!
1. Educational Content
Educational content includes several video types on YouTube. If you upload documentaries or news content, for example, your content falls into this category.
YouTube is expanding monetization for these videos, and the changes are centered around violence and drug-related themes. One example includes violence between civilians and law enforcement. If you were a filmmaker documenting the racial unrest of 2020, you’d be eligible for full monetization today.
Other sensitive events are eligible too. If you’re educating viewers about a topic, it's likely you're in the clear.
2. Controversial Issues
Have your videos been demonetized for including controversial topics? YouTube is making a change in this area too. You can now upload non-graphic, objective discussions about controversial issues happening today.
Objective is the key word here. Your video should be well-rounded with the intent of sparking conversation, not hate or violence. If the video condemns certain groups to the extent of racism or organized crime, that’s not OK.
YouTube typically uses intent to judge videos. Even with these monetization updates, that logic will probably still stand.
3. Adult Themes Expressed Through Humor
Comedians of all backgrounds, listen up and take notes because this update is just for you. YouTube is expanding monetization for adult themes filmed in the context of humor. That means you can crack more jokes and earn more money at the same time.
Which adult themes are OK to post? Romance and dating humor are two safe examples. However, unless your intent is to inform or educate, highly sexualized themes may still lead to limited advertising.
YouTube has taken a second look at profanity too. Typically, the platform frowns upon curse words at the beginning of a video, and this is still somewhat true. The difference now is that you can use moderate profanity early on. Now words like bitch and shit are acceptable in the first 30 seconds of a video. YouTube is expanding monetization for these cases, whereas light profanity like hell and damn used to be the "safe" standard.
Need more information about these updates? Watch Creator Insider’s video about everything we’ve listed in this blog: