Liron Segev

Director of Customer Success

Liron Segev, aka TheTechieGuy, is the Director of Customer Success at vidIQ, an internationally celebrated Digital YouTube Strategist working with some of the largest brands and YouTube influencers in the world. Over the past 20+ years, his work has taken him to South Africa, the UK and the US where he frequently speaks at conferences and provides expert tech commentary for various print publications, radio, and TV while actively running his Tech YouTube Channel.

Posts Written By Liron Segev

29 oct. 2020

2 min read

YouTube Shorts: The Ultimate Guide

In this episode of TubeTalk, vidIQ does its own investigation into YouTube Shorts. You're welcome.

28 oct. 2020

2 min read

What YouTube Creators Need to Focus on for the Rest of 2020

2020 has been a very challenging year, but YouTube creators can still end the year on a successful note. Find out how...

7 oct. 2020

2 min read

Why You Must 'Niche Down' if You Want to Succeed on YouTube

Focusing on one specific type of content can really make you stand out as a creator. It can also make your YouTube ch...

6 oct. 2020

2 min read

How to Get Your Videos to Rank on YouTube

Are your videos ranking much lower on YouTube than expected? Find out how why on this episode of TubeTalk.

6 oct. 2020

2 min read

How to Get a Brand Deal as a Smaller YouTube Channel

You don't need millions of YouTube subscribers to secure a great brand deal. Find out more on this episode of TubeTalk.

8 sept. 2020

2 min read

Why You Don't Need to Be On Camera to Be a YouTube Sensation

Did you know? You don't even have to appear in front of the camera to be a successful YouTube creator. Find out more ...

27 août 2020

2 min read

What to do When You're Feeling Stressed as a YouTuber

If you're a YouTuber that's feeling stressed and is possibly on the verge of quitting, please take a listen to this w...

18 août 2020

2 min read

How This Skateboarding Channel Kickflipped its Way to 5M YouTube Subscribers

We have all heard of niching down, but how about niching up? It's a strategy that Braille Skateboarding used to gener...

12 août 2020

2 min read

How to Kickstart Your YouTube Channel Right Now

Are you doing all the right things but your YouTube channel has stalled? Find out how to kickstart it again in this w...

4 août 2020

2 min read

How Big YouTube Channels Develop Winning Strategies for Success

Those big YouTube channels we all love have many tried and tested methods for success. Find out more on this week's e...

30 juil. 2020

2 min read

Is Your YouTube Homepage Losing You Subscribers? Find Out Now!

Is your YouTube homepage setting you up for success, or is it actually costing you views and subscribers? Find out in...

23 juil. 2020

1 min read

Closed Captions: Do They Really Help Your Videos Rank on YouTube?

Do closed captions really help your videos rank higher on YouTube? And if so, how does that even work? Find out in th...