Lydia Sweatt is a writer, bookworm, and bass guitar enthusiast. When she goes outside, a bicycle goes with her.
Find Out Who Posts the Most Comments on Your YouTube Videos

As a YouTube creator, you can learn a lot about your audience by regularly checking the comment section. You’ll discover a few things below each video, such as the number of total comments and how many likes/replies they’ve received. If you go beyond the numbers and read each comment, you’ll learn even more.
Die-hard viewers often share video ideas and valuable feedback you need to see. The more you reply to them and encourage their ideas, the tighter your community will become.
It’s incredible to see helpful suggestions of any kind, especially when you're just starting out. But did you know you can glean extra information from the hundreds of YouTube comments you receive?
What Creators Can Learn From YouTube Comments
On the YouTube mobile app, you’ll find more than a list of comments below each video. YouTube has upgraded the section to include helpful information about who comments on your content.
We don’t have a name for this feature yet (and perhaps YouTube doesn’t either), but here’s what the tool displays:
- When the commenter joined YouTube.
- When the commenter subscribed to your channel.
- How many subscribers the commenter has on their channel.
- How the commenter interacts with you, such as how many comments they’ve posted on your channel and the likes/replies you’ve left on their comments.
- Snippets of previous conversations with commenters, plus the option to jump to the video where each conversation occurred.
- The commenter’s YouTube channel banner, which should communicate the creator’s niche (tech, gaming, cooking, beauty, etc.).
To learn more about the new comment feature and its valuable insights, watch our latest video, “Who Posts The Most YouTube Comments on Your Videos?”
How to Find Comment Insights on YouTube [New]
When you want to learn more about the viewers who comment on your videos, follow these steps:
- Open the YouTube app on your mobile device.
- Navigate to a public video you’ve uploaded, then scroll down to the comment section.
- Find a comment/commenter you’d like to investigate. To the left of the comment, click on the channel icon beside the commenter’s name.
Next, you’ll see a screen filled with information about how the commenter interacts with you. It’ll contain everything we listed above, and here’s what the screen looks like:

This tool is filled with information, so be sure to check it out. Regardless of your subscriber count, these highly engaged viewers are worth getting to know!