Rob is extremely passionate about helping YouTube creators grow with data and insights.
Introducing vidIQ Vision: A YouTube Chrome Extension For Power Users
Install our Chrome extension and we provide you with key insights into what the top creators are doing to drive growth, increase engagement, and create viral content

How It Works
So for every video you view on YouTube (not just yours) you’ll now see the vidIQ Vision “widget” that ranks every video with vidIQ’s proprietary Score as well as shows you Key Performance Indicators, including:
vidIQ Score
Helps judge the likelihood of a video being promoted in Related Videos, Search, and Recommended Videos.
Average Watch Time
You’re now able to see Watch Time not just for your own videos but for any video you’re looking at.
Facebook Likes/Shares/Comments
See how many times someone on Facebook has Liked, Shared or included your video’s URL in a comment.
See how many times someone has included your video’s URL in a Tweet, as well as the actual tweets themselves.
Words Per Minute
WPM shows you how many words per minute a video has. According to our dataset (from 8k+ channels) the most successful videos have higher WPM (~220). In other words, the faster you talk & the more jump cuts you add the more engagement + views you’ll get (surprising, I know!). This would explain why Jenna Marbles talks so fast (people have short attention spans!).
YouTube recently started hiding video tags. We surface them. This is extremely valuable for brands (if I’m Pepsi I probably want to see what Coca Cola is tagging their videos with).
Description Link Count
We tell you the best number of links to add.
Description Word Count
We tell you whether your description is too short or just right.
Chrome users can install vidIQ Vision for free by clicking here